Title of Film or Video:
Ways it showed a UTOPIA
Ways it showed DYSTOPIA
Brazil |
- Whimsical visuals
- British comedy
- Rich colors
- Bright music
- The dreams Sam has
- "Aquarela do Brasil"
- Bureaucratic, totalitarian government
- Use of shadows
- Gruesome torture scenes/ that twist at the end
- Use of dark colors in certain places
- "Aquarela do Brasil"
The Matrix |
- Use of red
- Simulation life (blissful denial)
- Warping of reality done by the characters
- Use of green, black, and purple
- The real world (gritty reality)
- Assimilation theme
A Clockwork Orange
- Bright colors
- Use of Beethoven
- Use of "Singing in the Rain"
- Over sexualization motif
- Use of white
- Alex's happy ending
- Alex's freedom as a juvenile delinquent and gang member
- Government corruption
- No good character
- Use of "Singing in the Rain"
- Gray, muted colors + shadows
- Use of trash
- The treatment of criminals
- The constant struggle of power
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