My Summer

To say that my summer was incredibly exciting would be a serious overstatement, but in a weird way more happened this summer than any of the past years. Most of my summers have been jam-packed with travel plans, meetings with relatives, and an indulgence of room service and jet lag. However, the previous vacation was... hectic, so we decided to take it easy this summer. At first, I suspected that I would spend its entirety staring at a screen, catatonic and with my brain leaking out my ears. I mean, I did, but for not a long I expected. 
The previous school year I had, for the first time, come to know a variety of wonderful friends who appreciated me as much as I did of them. They became a second family, and with the pressures of school at an end, we were free to do what we wanted when we wanted. we wasted no opportunities to hang out with each other, from simple late-night movie marathons, to camping trips to the Oregon Country Fair. There was a certain tight bond that developed as we all spent our long summer days together, a kind of deep understanding indescribable in words but fluent in feelings. We could all lay down and stare out into the night's sky having not said a single word, but still feeling as if we are all having an extensive emotional connection in our heads. Was it a bit cliche, maybe, but that is what happened.
This is one of the three photos taken during my summer break (I wasn't really thinking of taking that many photos during that period of time). Out of the three, this one by far was the best representation of the emotional value of my summer. I am posing in front of a cactus my best friend bought from a curiosity shop that was filled with, among other things, animal skulls, strange books, preserved animals, and plants. I believe the plant is named George, but I'm not sure. We really spent the whole day doing nothing. We merely looked around shops, ate at a nice pizza restaurant, and danced on the sidewalk in the freezing cold (trust me, we've done weirder). It was the bonding of good friends spending the last dwindling days of summer with not a care in the world that made the moment great. Though I most likely will be doing more traveling the next summer, I will make sure to leave some time for moments like those.
